Asda customers will be able to bring in their own refillable containers from next year in a bid to cut down on plastic. The supermarket giant confirmed they will be trialing reusable and refillable packaging for three months in 2020 The scheme could involve shoppers being able to bring in containers which can be refilled from dispensers within the store. The Walmart-owned company said that by the end of next year, almost a third of Asda’s own brand plastic packaging will also come from recycled materials. It is hoped the move could stop almost 20,000 tones of non-recycled plastic from ending up in landfill. Asda will allow customers to use their own refillable containers (Picture: Digital Vision) The shop will store food in dispensers Asda chief executive Roger Burnley said: ‘The elimination of avoidable plastic, and crucially single-use plastic, is at the top of our minds – and at the top of our customers’ minds. ‘Our focus is on removing unnecessary plastic, and where packaging is beneficial to the life of a product we will trial new solutions that are as recycled and as recyclable as possible.’ Asda said it’s aiming to reduce the total amount of plastic used in its own brand packaging by 15% by February 2021. A spokesperson said the company has already removed 6,500 tonnes since February 2018. The goal is to make all of its own brand packaging recyclable by 2025. Trials around refillable packaging will last for ‘at least’ 12 weeks, allowing suppliers to review the process.
Read more: https://metro.co.uk/2019/10/26/asda-trial-refillable-packaging-bid-ditch-plastic-10988384/?ito=cbshare