With the new year just days away, Geneva is readying itself for the prohibition of free plastic bags at all supermarket checkouts, as well as other single use plastics.
The decision to ban all single use plastics in the canton was made in March of 2018, with a goal of reducing plastic waste and litter.
Traders who continue to use the plastics face a fine of 100 francs.
The Grand Council of the Canton of Geneva informed all traders in the region of the ban, reminding them using a press release.
While the ban on plastic bags in supermarkets is at the centre of the new measures, straws, cups, plates, cutlery and sachets made from plastic will also be banned.
Although the ban is uniform across the canton, traders will be able to apply for exemptions in specific cases.
The measure is part of a broader waste management plan adopted across the canton which will be implemented by the end of March 2020.
The goal of the new measures is to reduce waste by 25 percent by 2024.